Millions in ‘climate-friendly’ investments awarded to fossil fuel giants, investigation reveals.

  • 2024-07-26 08:00:00
  • Euronews

As mentioned in the article on greenwashing published during the summer of last year, the health of our planet is being put at risk on a daily basis. The "climate-friendly" policies of big companies often turn out to be clear attempts aimed at gaining consumer trust, which is irretrievably broken once the activity is exposed and the greenwashing taking place is understood.

Europe is a worldwide leader in the market for supposedly "green," environmentally friendly investments; recent investigations, however, have shown how these projects praised as "friends of the planet" are, in reality, neither environmentally sustainable nor responsible. Some of them, in fact, fund fossil fuel companies.

According to Voxeurop's investigation, "green" funds promoted by Eurizon Capital SGR, an asset management company controlled by Intesa San Paolo, have been allocated to some of the largest carbon emitters on the continent.