US farms are making an urgent push into AI. It could help feed the world.

  • 2024-04-16 08:00:00
  • BBC

Not all artificial intelligence comes to harm, as already seen in the past. Used carefully and judiciously, this technology proves to be of fundamental importance for the development of various sectors: whether scientific, medical or agricultural. In fact, many US farms have recently started to push towards the use of this resource, so that they can make their work more manageable.

The sector in question is currently experiencing difficulties due to the average age of workers, who are now too old to be able to sustain the fast pace of work required in this field. Global development, meanwhile, has naturally pushed young people towards modern professions and occupations, displacing potential labour from the sector.

The strategy in the works at the moment therefore involves the implementation of artificial intelligence to make work easier, supporting current workers by performing tasks they are no longer able to do.