AI Chatbot Credited With Preventing Suicide. Should It Be?

  • 2024-05-29 08:00:00
  • 404 Media

Mental health is a profoundly complex topic, whether it is considered from the point of view of a person in distress or a professional capable of caring for others. Following the spread of artificial intelligence and its use in the conception of chatbots, there has been a glimpse of the facets of the relationship between this technology and the field under consideration.

Entrusting the fragility of a patient into the metaphorical hands of an artificial tool, unfortunately, has led to tragic consequences in recent years - this aspect of the situation is not to be forgotten. However, it is wise to keep informed by also turning one's attention to the various situations in which the outcome has been positive.

Stanford University recently conducted a study concerning the application of Replika, allegedly able to stop suicidal ideation in several people afflicted with such thoughts - today's reference article proposes, therefore, the explanation of the mentioned research.