In 2013, the celebrated sci-fi film "Her" was released, in which an introverted writer buys an artificial intelligence system and gradually falls in love with the technology behind the software, falls in love with "Her." At the time, the idea of engaging in a romantic relationship with a technological tool, whether physical or digital, fenced the abstractionism of this film within the definition of "science fiction." Eleven years on, this plot seems quite likely.
Artificial intelligence is now an integral part of most people's daily lives, whether it is to ask Alexa to set a timer, or to communicate with ChatGPT to locate a list of SEO terms for work. This technology has, in fact, been confirmed as a valuable resource over and over again in the last period.
However, is it really wise to entrust the emotional soul of human beings to a technological device? More and more users are approaching the AI field in search of psychological support, both medically and romantically. In today's reference article the sentimental relationship between humans and the tool is analyzed.