Are you 80% angry and 2% sad? Why ‘emotional AI’ is fraught with problems.

  • 2024-07-15 08:00:00
  • The Guardian

Recently there has been some emphasis on the emergence and sudden development of a branch of technology called "emotional AI." As explained in the recent article posted in the blog section of the site, emotional AI is a technology that uses affective computing techniques to perceive, learn about, and interact with human emotional life.

Recent months have, in fact, seen a rise in the number of AI models supposedly able to recognize human emotions and act accordingly, a bold statement considering the robotic nature of the technology in question. However, Hume, a Manhattan startup, claims to have developed "the world's first voice AI with emotional intelligence."

The company's CEO, Alan Cowen, explains that the training of the model in question includes tone of voice recognition, allowing the AI to predict how a given speech will elicit one emotion over another. The situation, however, does not seem to be so straightforward.