I cannot teach anyone anything. I can only reason with them.


Blog and Articles

When it comes to the quality of conventions, do Foreign Countries outperform Italy?

When it comes to the quality of conventions, do Foreign Countries outperform Italy?

2023-09-03 Yako Business

Good morning.

Following up on the article from two Sundays ago, we now offer a brief reflection regarding the differences between Italian and foreign trade fair management.

What distinguishes an event on our soil from one on foreign soil? How does the organization work outside our borders? What can be learned from the work of others, and what is best left aside?

No, what you think you have, is not a Disaster Recovery

No, what you think you have, is not a Disaster Recovery

2023-08-25 Sebastian Zdrojewski Opinions

All too often during interviews with companies we hear 'yes we have Disaster Recovery'. Then, scrolling through the questions in our questionnaires, the reality of the situation jumps out. At a time when climate change does not only put a strain on people, knowing what a Disaster Recovery is becomes more than necessary.

Birmingham National Cyber Security Show - Our Experience.

Birmingham National Cyber Security Show - Our Experience.

2023-08-20 Yako Business

During the last week of April 2022, from the 25th to the 27th, one of the most important events within the cybersecurity industry was held: the National Cyber Security Show in Birmingham.

In this short article, we explain our team's experience during the show, hoping that it will entice you to attend in the years to come.

The secrets of Greenwashing - How this practice affects the world today.

The secrets of Greenwashing - How this practice affects the world today.

2023-08-06 Yako Opinions

Lately, the phenomenon of "Greenwashing" seems to be the talk of the town. What is Rights Chain's position when faced with a topic of such impact on the planet we live on?

Interview with Aurora Ciurca - Illustrator and Concept Artist

Interview with Aurora Ciurca - Illustrator and Concept Artist

2023-07-23 Yako Creators

Happy Sunday!

Today we meet Aurora Ciurca, an illustrator and concept artist from Northern Italy. In this interview she shares with us her artistic journey and her opinion on the use of Artificial Intelligence in the creative environment.


Interview with Alice Pasotti - Artist Alleys In Italy

Interview with Alice Pasotti - Artist Alleys In Italy

2023-07-09 Yako Creators

Good Morning!

We are here today with Alice Pasotti, an illustrator and painter from northern Italy. In the interview, she tells us about her artistic journey in the educational and professional spheres, and then dwells on the situation of the Artist Alleys in Italian conventions.

We hope you enjoy the read.

Farewell industry and market standards, long live monopolies and proprietary solutions

Farewell industry and market standards, long live monopolies and proprietary solutions

2023-07-07 Sebastian Zdrojewski Opinions

Why is the technology situation getting worse by the month? From the spasmodic adoption of technologies of doubtful utility to the general public to the alienation of the market increasingly filled with alchemists and gurus who promise miracles instead of understanding problems and proposing solutions.

Interview with @florosco.art - The Art World in Children's Literature

Interview with @florosco.art - The Art World in Children's Literature

2023-06-25 Yako Creators

Good Morning!

We are here today with Flor, aka @florosco.art, to discuss the world of digital art in the environment of children's literature. 

We hope you enjoy the interview!

These ungrateful artists should thank events for the space they are given

These ungrateful artists should thank events for the space they are given

2023-06-23 Sebastian Zdrojewski Opinions

Creativity has value. So much, in fact, in Italy at least once a week you can find an exhibition event dedicated to pop culture: comics, literature, cosplay. Yet event organisations complain about the poor professional quality of the artists who would like to participate.

Why not just abolish copyright and the whole intellectual property industry?

Why not just abolish copyright and the whole intellectual property industry?

2023-06-16 Sebastian Zdrojewski Opinions

Content is everything. On the one hand it generates profits in the tens of billions of dollars, yet those who create only find themselves with fake 'exposure', many promises, even more disappointments and no means to protect their work. Wouldn't it be worthwhile to abolish all copyright legislation?

Interview with @lunaisanartist - 2D Animator & Symbolism Enthusiast

Interview with @lunaisanartist - 2D Animator & Symbolism Enthusiast

2023-06-11 Yako Creators

Good morning!

We are here today with Luna, @lunaisanartist on Instagram and Twitter, to talk about their artistic journey and their work in the professional sphere! We hope you enjoy the interview, and we invite you to take a look at Luna's Instagram profile to view their work!

Interview with Sara Antonellini - Mama Bear to her community

Interview with Sara Antonellini - Mama Bear to her community

2023-05-28 Yako Creators

Good morning! We're here today with Sara Antonellini, an artist and colourist from Turin. In this interview, she shares her educational and professional journey with us, focusing on the importance of self-care

We deeply thank Sara for taking the time to talk to us, and we hope you enjoy the interview!