If you don't read the newspaper, you're uninformed. If you read the newspaper, you're mis-informed.

Mark Twain

World News

 Hacked health care giant makes progress in recovery, but concerns for small clinics remain.

Hacked health care giant makes progress in recovery, but concerns for small clinics remain.

2024-04-05 CNN
During the month of February, one of the pillar companies of the US health insurance industry fell victim to an unprecedented cyber attack. Change Healthcare, the company in case, is fortunately recovering quickly from this breach: the services it offers are up and running again and the liquidity required to maintain t...
 OpenAI’s voice cloning AI model only needs a 15-second sample to work.

OpenAI’s voice cloning AI model only needs a 15-second sample to work.

2024-04-04 The Verge
Voice cloning seemed, for years, to be a technology available only to those in possession of a certain economic liquidity, to those belonging to a certain elite class, to those in the 'powerful' category. The latest update of OpenAI, on the contrary, has made this innovation available to anyone in possession of a compu...
 Reddit’s Sale of User Data for AI Training Draws FTC Inquiry.

Reddit’s Sale of User Data for AI Training Draws FTC Inquiry.

2024-04-03 Wired
During the last week of February, the famous Reddit platform publicly announced an agreement it had made with Google, in which it sanctioned the decision to license content on its platform. Reddit is a social network whose entire support is community-driven, which means that the 17 billion posts within it are, presuma...
Ongoing major cyber-attack on various French ministry sites.

Ongoing major cyber-attack on various French ministry sites.

2024-04-02 Il Post
As mentioned in a reference article published last week, the French government has recently been faced with a rather worrying situation: the beginning of the second week of March marked the incipit of a series of cyber attacks aimed at damaging their internal organisation. The culprits have not yet been identified but...
 Facebook’s Algorithm Is Boosting AI Spam That Links to AI-Generated, Ad-Laden Click Farms.

Facebook’s Algorithm Is Boosting AI Spam That Links to AI-Generated, Ad-Laden Click Farms.

2024-03-29 404 Media
Artificial intelligence is taking over the world, but not in the way science fiction fans expect, or rather, not yet. Facebook, one of the world's most popular platforms with more than 3 billion users, has recently become a breeding ground for a new kind of advertising. Whole pages generated by artificial intelligence...
 Scientific Journals Are Publishing Papers With AI-Generated Text.

Scientific Journals Are Publishing Papers With AI-Generated Text.

2024-03-28 404 Media
What method can be used to understand whether a text has been generated by an artificial intelligence? Unfortunately, there is no foolproof methodology, but identifying the phrase 'as of my last knowledge update' could be a rather significant answer. The phrase mentioned was found within 115 articles published in acad...
 The U.S. Wants to Ban TikTok for the Sins of Every Social Media Company.

The U.S. Wants to Ban TikTok for the Sins of Every Social Media Company.

2024-03-27 404 Media
The Tiktok platform has recently come under the spotlight, for what seems like the umpteenth time in the last three years. The situation, however, is dire: the US House of Representatives has repeatedly expressed its intention to ban Tiktok from the USA, due to various reasons that have been identified over the months....
 Amazon's Hidden Chatbot Recommends Nazi Books and Lies About Amazon Working Conditions.

Amazon's Hidden Chatbot Recommends Nazi Books and Lies About Amazon Working Conditions.

2024-03-26 404 Media
Can't use ChatGPT? Don't worry, pop over to Amazon! Recent research by one of the founders of 404 Media revealed the presence of an artificial intelligence chatbot within the interface of Amazon's application. The 'Ask about this product' section, always been known as the area in which to ask questions about various a...
 French government hit with cyberattacks of ‘unprecedented’ intensity.

French government hit with cyberattacks of ‘unprecedented’ intensity.

2024-03-25 Politico
The beginning of last week was marked by unprecedented panic within French government offices. Several government departments, in fact, fell victim to an impressive series of cyber attacks, followed by the activation of a crisis unit aimed at dealing with the situation. In the following days, the Prime Minister's Offi...
 The Obscene Energy Demands of A.I.

The Obscene Energy Demands of A.I.

2024-03-22 The Newyorker
The reputation of artificial intelligence seems to be getting worse by the day, each new development that reaches the spotlight increasing the negativity now inherent in this technology. Thanks to the gradual growth of concern about environmental protection, the serious energy impact of this technology has recently bee...
 Microsoft asks to dismiss New York Times’s ‘doomsday’ copyright lawsuit.

Microsoft asks to dismiss New York Times’s ‘doomsday’ copyright lawsuit.

2024-03-21 The Guardian
During the month of December 2023, the famous New York Times newspaper filed a complaint for copyright infringement by Microsoft and OpenAI; more precisely, the lawsuit took into accountall content generated by the respective artificial intelligences, curiously similar to texts originally published by the NYT. In orde...
 Researchers tested leading AI models for copyright infringement using popular books, and GPT-4 performed worst.

Researchers tested leading AI models for copyright infringement using popular books, and GPT-4 performed worst.

2024-03-20 CNBC
A group of researchers, former employees of Meta, dedicated their 2023 to developing a new artificial intelligence software, called 'Patronus Ai'. The aim of the company, of the same name, is to evaluate and test the famous LLMs (large language models) - currently recognised as the technology carrier behind AI products...
 Inside the World of TikTok Spammers and the AI Tools That Enable Them.

Inside the World of TikTok Spammers and the AI Tools That Enable Them.

2024-03-19 404 Media
Tiktok's entire platform is gradually becoming a showcase of repetitive and empty videos, whose entertainment potential lies solely in the application's algorithm. Where it was once possible tocome across short, genuine and personal clips, whose creators were not influencers carefully constructed through marketing stra...
 The Terrifying A.I. Scam That Uses Your Loved One’s Voice.

The Terrifying A.I. Scam That Uses Your Loved One’s Voice.

2024-03-18 The New Yorker
There has been talk over and over again in recent months about the misuse of artificial intelligence, whether it be deepfake videos or revenge porn, there always seems to be an option for the ill-intentioned. The ultimate goal, in any case,is often about the monetary value that people can manage to extract from their v...
 A Small Steam Game Shows How LLMs Could Kill the Dialogue Tree,

A Small Steam Game Shows How LLMs Could Kill the Dialogue Tree,

2024-03-15 404 Media
"Verbal Verdict", a video game still under development whose demo can be found on Steam, immerses the player in a series of interrogations with potential suspects for criminal acts. Unlike other games in the genre, this indie production uses Large Language Models within the gameplay - they allow the player to ask any k...
 Google’s Gemini AI Doesn’t Want to Talk About Palestine.

Google’s Gemini AI Doesn’t Want to Talk About Palestine.

2024-03-14 404 Media
The recent situation concerning Israel and Palestine is, rightly, occupying the screens and minds of most users of the vast Internet world; not all online services, however, seem willing to share information. Google's artificial intelligence, called GeminiAI and released during the last month of 2023, for instance, do...